What to Expect when you visit
West Hempstead Animal Hospital

When you bring your beloved pet to West Hempstead Veterinary Hospital for a visit, your veterinarian will review your pet’s medical history and ask you if you have any specific questions or concerns about your pet’s health.

Following this, your veterinarian will conduct a physical examination of your pet which will generally consist of any or all of the following:

  • Listening to your animal’s lungs and heart
  • Checking your cat or dog’s stance, gait, and weight
  • Examining your pet’s eyes for signs of excessive tearing, discharge, redness, cloudiness, or eyelid issues
  • Checking your companion’s coat for overall condition, abnormal hair loss, or dandruff
  • Examining your furry friend’s nails and feet for damage or signs of a more serious health condition
  • Looking at your pet’s ears for signs of bacterial infection, ear mites, wax build-up, or polyps
  • Examining the condition of your pet’s teeth for any indications of periodontal disease, damage, or decay
  • Checking your pet’s skin for a handful of problems such as parasites, dryness, lumps, and bumps.
  • Palpating your companion’s abdomen to access the internal organs to see if they appear normal and to check for signs of discomfort
  • Feeling along your cat or dog’s body for hints of illness including swelling, evidence of lameness ( such as limited range of motion), and signs of pain

The doctor may also request blood , fecal and urine tests to further evaluate your pet’s health!

All of the tests above are meant to find signs of any health problems your pet could be experiencing. Because our pets aren’t able to tell us what they are physically feeling, these tests and checks help to determine how your furry friend is generally feeling.